Advertising & Sponsorships

Do you want to reach the top decision-makers within Tennessee’s financial services community? There is no better way than by promoting your message through the Tennessee Bankers Association. Member institutions represent total assets of approximately $88.5 billion. These bankers are eager to know about new technology, products, and services that will contribute to their growth. Join the ranks of those in the know and participate as an advertiser.

6 Ways to Advertise with the TBA

The Tennessee Banker, the flagship publication of the Tennessee Bankers Association has been meeting the needs of Tennessee’s banking community since 1913. It is the only magazine published for the state’s banking industry.

More than 2,500 subscribers receive The Tennessee Banker once per quarter. It provides readers with pertinent information regarding the Tennessee banking climate and personal insight into the bankers who serve the Volunteer State. This information is important not only to the Tennessee banking community, but also to those who serve and work with Tennessee bankers, including TBA associate members that provide bankers with products and services; legislators who serve Tennessee and the banking community in the political arena; and regulators that exam and monitor Tennessee banks to make sure our industry remains compliant and sound. Throughout the year, the magazine is distributed to those attending the TBA Annual Meeting, education conferences, seminars, and workshops.

Written and edited solely for Tennessee bankers, The Tennessee Banker puts your advertising on the desk of interested buyers. Join the ranks of those in the know and advertise in The Tennessee Banker.

2024 Media Kit and Editorial Calendar

Publisher: Tennessee Bankers Association
Editor: Colin Barrett –
Managing Editor / Advertising: Tyler Nelson –
Creative Director: Matt Radford –

Interested in contributing to The Tennessee Banker?

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise by submitting an article or column.

Click here to learn more about contributing to The Tennessee Banker.

Promoting your products and services on the TBA website is a fresh, effective approach to communicating with the targeted audience your business desires to reach.

Advertisements on must run a minimum of three consecutive months. Advertising can begin on any day in any month. Once a company begins advertising on the website, they will be given the option of renewing their particular location for future three-consecutive-month intervals. Payment-in-full is due at time of the order. TBA nonmembers do not qualify for the member rate.

Two pricing tiers for TBA Associate Members:

  • Banner Ads are found at the top of each page throughout the website and cost $275 per month. Two banner ads can fit horizontally at the top of each page. Three-month minimum advertising agreement required.
  • Block Ads are found on the right side of each page throughout the website and cost $250 per month. Two block ads can fit vertically on the right side of each page. Three-month minimum advertising agreement required.

Technical Specifications:

  • Banner Ads (465 pixels wide x 75 pixels high)
  • Block Ads (400 pixels wide x 325 pixels high)
  • 5 MB max file size
  • File must be .jpg, .png or .gif and 72 dpi, RGB color mode

All ads must meet graphic standards set by TBA. TBA reserves the right to review and reject any advertising that does not meet our criteria.

For more information please contact Matt Radford.

This Week is TBA’s weekly e-newsletter, covering government relations developments, regulatory announcements, education programming, and timely association and industry news. It is delivered to the inboxes of more than 4,500 individuals involved in Tennessee banking each week. It is an excellent way to affiliate your brand Tennessee banking.

Ad placement in the This Week e-newsletter is available at a 4-week minimum. TBA Associate Member Rate shown. TBA nonmembers do not
qualify for the member rate.

4 weeks = $1,000; 12 weeks = $2,500; 24 weeks = $4,000; 48 weeks = $6,000

Technical Specifications:

  • 654 pixels wide x 120 pixels high
  • 5 MB max file size
  • File must be .png or .jpg and 72 dpi, RGB color mode

For more information please contact Matt Radford.

The Tennessee Banker magazine is published once per quarter. When each issue is released, it is promoted with an email delivered to the inboxes of more than 5,000 individuals involved in Tennessee banking. An email ad for this message has a few pricing options for TBA Associate Members—one ad for $300, two ads for $550, three ads for $800, or four times for $1,000. TBA nonmembers do not qualify for the member rate.

Technical Specifications:

  • 654 pixels wide x 120 pixels high
  • 5 MB max file size
  • File must be .png or .jpg and 72 dpi, RGB color mode

For more information please contact Matt Radford.

TBA emails an update on federal regulatory actions each month. This message is delivered to the inboxes of more than 1,000 individuals interested in advocacy and government relations. An email ad for this message has two pricing options for TBA Associate Members—six times per year for $600, or 12 times per year for $1,000. TBA nonmembers do not qualify for the member rate.

Technical Specifications:

  • 654 pixels wide x 120 pixels high
  • 5 MB max file size
  • File must be .png or .jpg and 72 dpi, RGB color mode


For more information please contact Matt Radford.

This business-to-business referral directory is an indispensable reference tool for all bankers and many others conducting business with the state’s decision-makers in the financial services industry. It provides detailed information on all Tennessee banks, thrifts, and trust companies, including address, telephone and fax numbers, primary officers, call report data, and more. The directory also includes listing of state and federal regulatory agencies, state and federal legislative delegations, association officers, committees, staff, and associate members.

By placing an ad in this directory, your message will reach the executives who use this tool on a daily basis. Approximately 1,300 copies of the Bankers Directory are distributed to TBA members, associate members, and other interested parties.

Your advertising message will be highly visible on one of the directory’s inside covers or on one of the tabs separating the various sections.

For more information please contact Tyler Nelson.

Sponsorships offer a tangible way to associate your brand with TBA and gain exposure to bankers across the state, whether through live educational events, publications or online. Sponsorships add a great amount of value to TBA, allowing the quality of programming and product offerings to remain first class.

Each year, the TBA conducts approximately 70 live professional development events, training programs, and peer-group forums. With some events moving to a virtual format, there are also opportunities to sponsor digitally.

Some of the benefits of event sponsorship include

  • Logo and listing on brochures and other event publicity materials
  • Recognition in The Tennessee Banker magazine
  • Recognition on event signage
  • Verbal recognition at the event
  • Recognition on TBA website and program e-blasts
  • Sponsor ribbon for onsite representative

Click here to download TBA’s Sponsorship brochure, or contact Penny Powlas.