AaSys Group, Inc
AaSys Group helps financial institutions optimize their technology. AaSys Network support provides patching, remote health monitoring, project deployment and Help Desk support. Our Financial Operations division manages core evaluations and negotiates lucrative service agreements. With an eye toward optimizing efficiencies, our Operations specialists will provide recommendations to improve your business processes. Compliance specialists provide audit and risk services in the areas of information technology, deposit, lending, and BSA. Ongoing support and training are customized to your bank employees. Prometheus, our cybersecurity solution, provides a managed SIEM solution and monitors the security of your networks 24/7. These specialists also conduct penetrating tests, social engineering tests and firewall security audits. The Information Security specialists offer ISO support management services to ensure banks meet all regulatory mandates. ISO mentoring programs bolster the skill set of your employees. Our vendor management specialists will provide yearly due diligence, evaluate new services and vendors, and provide support when terminating vendors. By offering a wide range of technology services, the complex and intertwined areas of network support, cybersecurity, compliance and operational processes can be simplified.