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Date:February 23, 2023
Location:TBA Barrett Training Center, Nashville
Early Registration Ends:February 9, 2023
In-Person Event

Loan review is a key component of a bank’s credit risk management program. The annual or periodic review of loans is generally required and favored across all agencies as part of an institution’s ongoing loan portfolio monitoring practice. Quality portfolio management includes the periodic assessment of credit risk over the life of a loan, including the adjustment of risk ratings as deemed appropriate based on the evolving level of risk inherent in a credit over time. Reviews should not be completed on an after-the-fact, loan-by-loan basis but as part of a detailed process that detects weaknesses in various levels of an institution’s credit initiation, underwriting, and classification.

Whether completed in-house or outsourced, loan review is a function that bank management relies on to monitor the loan portfolio. This seminar identifies common shortfalls and provides best practices to enhance your institution’s loan review program.

Program Highlights

  • Key elements of an effective loan review system
  • Regulatory expectations for loan review and its role during a regulatory exam
  • Common loan review mistakes
  • Loan review best practices—i.e. effective targeted reviews
  • Involvement in the workout process and decisions affecting ALLL
  • Entity level reviews of centralized functions—e.g. appraisal, workout, OREO
  • Case studies

Learn from the Experts
Eddie Maynard is the incoming executive vice president and chief credit officer of Fourth Capital Bank in Nashville.

Brian Huggins is senior vice president and director of credit portfolio risk and analytics for FirstBank.

8:30 a.m.—Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m.—Program begins
1:00 p.m.—Program resumes
4:00 p.m. —Adjourn

Continuing Education Credit
Attendees qualify for 6.5 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit in the area of Specialized Knowledge and MUST be sure to sign in and out on the CPE attendance tracking sheet in order to receive credit.


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