TBA’s 2017 Year in Review

By Tyler Nelson, TBA Director of Communications

Our 2017 Year in Review offers a summary of the Tennessee Bankers Association’s highlights and accomplishments. Here’s a glimpse of how TBA government relations, education, and communication efforts elevate your membership benefits.

Giving Back

Through the TBA Young Bankers Division’s Personal Economics Program, Tennessee bankers work with educators to teach people in their communities about banks, banking services, and personal financial management, and help them take control of their finances.

  • 68,771 individuals reached
  • 2,862 presentations
  • 414 bankers participating
  • 46 participating member banks

(data from June 1, 2016, to May 31, 2017)

  • 82% of Tennessee High Schools using EverFi


Advocacy and Legal (State and Federal)

TBA’s government relations team is trusted, respected, and dedicated to promoting and preserving the pro-banking environment in Tennessee. TBA saw continued legislative success in 2017, including:

Monitor, Track, Act

  • 1,459 bills reviewed by TBA in 2017
  • 135 bills identified as having a direct or potential impact on the industry
  • 63 bills passed with a direct or potential impact on the industry
  • 21 bills actively lobbied

On the Federal level, TBA and Tennessee bankers made their voices heard in 2017:


Professional Development/Education

TBA is the leading provider of high-quality, cost-effective professional development training for Tennessee banks. Our education opportunities provide an invaluable opportunity to network with peers and stay current on important issues affecting our rapidly changing industry.


Marketing and Communications

Through TBA communications, we keep bankers informed, delivering critical industry information to members about legislative and regulatory changes as well as the conference, education programs, and products and services that are available to our members.

Website Redesign

Connecting with TBA online just got easier thanks to our newly refreshed website, www.TNBankers.org. We have redesigned it with you in mind, streamlining menus, simplifying navigation, building a responsive layout for all platforms and providing more resources and information on our products and services. The content of the website has also undergone a very rigorous review, and it’s been consolidated to offer the latest information of the utmost importance to our visitors.

Email Redesign

Email is one of the top ways we communicate the latest industry news, educational offerings, and more. And as more members checked TBA emails from a mobile device (eclipsing more than 50% this year), TBA transitioned to a new email vendor, Constant Contact. Now emails are responsive to tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, making it easier to stay up to date. The switch also allowed for a redesign, making them more visually appealing.


Endorsed Partners and Associate Members

Our Endorsed Partners and Associate Members provide banks with superior products and services. Our partners are industry leaders who share our high standard for quality service.

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