By Susan Taylor, Senior Vice President of Professional Development, Tennessee Bankers Association
On September 1, 1999, I walked in the front door at the former TBA office on Venture Circle—a brand new employee, thanks to Bruce Plummer and Brad Barrett. Prior to this, I was the “education department” for another nonprofit association for 10 years—in the “hot seat” for everything good OR bad. I was sure looking forward to working here, where someone else would be in the “hot seat” and I could support him (Bruce) from the next office. Approximately 1-1/2 years later, Bruce retired for health reasons, and lo and behold—I was back in the “hot seat!” I will always be grateful to Bruce for taking a chance on me and pushing for me to be hired. Later Bruce told me that I was sent to him because God knew he (Bruce) would be challenged by health problems and he would be comfortable knowing I could step in without a hitch.
Fast forward 18 years later, and here I am, retiring at the end of December! Wow! What a ride it has been! I will always love and appreciate both Bruce and Brad for bringing me into my TBA family. The same can be said for Colin Barrett, who allowed me to continue to grow and thrive. He is doing such a wonderful job leading our association. I was so fortunate to find my “work family” here at TBA, including all of our wonderful members that I’ve had the opportunity and the pleasure to know and to work with on committees, boards, and as personal friends. You will always be in my heart (you know who you are!).
And I will always treasure the relationships and friends I have made over the last 18 years. Thank you, TBA, and thank you, our wonderful TBA members, for 18 years of great memories.